Our cute little factory in Dongguan, China, sent us a pic of the sewers working on our SS19 range. If you look closely you can see our SS19 whale fabric in the background. Our factory is small, and ethical, we wouldn’t have it any other way.
We pay a premium price for our garments to ensure the factory workers get paid well and because we use high quality materials. Our clothing range is made to the highest standards as we like to advocate a minimalist lifestyle where you should only need to buy a couple of outfits each season as your child grows and outgrown clothing can be passed down to younger children to get the maximum wear.
We have a production manager, Kristy, who’s based in Sydney. She visits our factory once a year and helps make sure everything runs smoothly for us.
So when you buy KaPow you can be assured you’re buying ethical and not only supporting me and my little family in Melbourne, and Kristy and her fam in Sydney but you’re also supporting a small family run factory in Dongguan.